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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 17
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NCT00002165Viracept Expanded Access Program
NCT00006326Safety and Effectiveness of 3 Anti-HIV Treatments in Patients Who Have Failed Previous Treatments Containing Nelfinavir
NCT00002235A Study on the Safety and Effectiveness of Twice-Daily Nelfinavir Plus Twice-Daily Indinavir Plus Efavirenz in HIV-Positive Patients Who Have Never Taken Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) or Protease Inhibitors
NCT00005001Safety and Effectiveness of Treating HIV-Positive Patients With an HIV Vaccine (Remune)
NCT00006441Effectiveness of Adding Interleukin-2 to Anti-HIV Drugs in Patients Recently Infected With HIV
NCT00002169A Study of Viracept in AIDS Patients With Cytomegalovirus Retinitis
NCT00002170A Study of Viracept in AIDS Patients With Mycobacterium Avium Complex Disease (MAC)
NCT00005000Treatment With Nelfinavir or Efavirenz of HIV-Infected Patients Who Have Never Received Anti-HIV Drugs
NCT00004985Combination Treatment Using Capravirine (AG1549), Nelfinavir, and Two Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in HIV Patients Who Failed Initial Combination Therapy
NCT00002164Phase I Study of Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Viracept in HIV-1 Infected Children and Exposed Infants
NCT00005002Effectiveness of Treating HIV-Positive Patients With an HIV Vaccine (Remune)
NCT00002185A Pilot, Open-Label, Phase II, Randomized Study to Determine the Effects of Viracept on the Outcome of Cutaneous and Mucosal KS in AIDS Patients With CD4 <= 500 Cells/mm3
NCT00004999Effectiveness of a New Anti-HIV Drug (AG1549) Plus Viracept (Nelfinavir) Plus Combivir (Zidovudine/Lamivudine) in HIV-Infected Patients
NCT00002171A Study of Viracept in HIV-Positive Women
NCT00006211A Study of Capravirine Plus VIRACEPT Plus Two Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in HIV-Infected Patients Who Failed Previous Anti-HIV Treatments
NCT00205283Nelfinavir and M8 Drug-level Monitoring in HIV-1 Infection
NCT00004998Safety and Effectiveness of a New Anti-HIV Drug (AG1549) in Combination With Other Anti-HIV Drugs in HIV-Infected Patients