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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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NCT03393780Study to Assess the Patterns of Use of REKOVELLE® in Naïve Women Undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Procedures
NCT01043120Effect of Oxytocin Antagonist on Reduction of Uterine Contractions
NCT01512472Firmagon (Degarelix) Intermittent Therapy
NCT04711772Whole-genome Sequencing Study in Patients With Diminished Ovarian Reserve
NCT02239692A Trial Comparing the PICOPREP Tailored Dosing Schedule to the PICOPREP Day-before Dosing Schedule for Colon Cleansing in Preparation for Colonoscopy
NCT00884273Investigation of the Effect of Degarelix in Terms of Prostate Volume Reduction in Prostate Cancer Patients
NCT03274973Study to Assess Long-term Effectiveness of Zomacton® and Treatment Adherence in Patients With Growth Hormone Deficiency or Ullrich-Turner Syndrome
NCT03089073Study of Minirin Melt® in Adult Patients With Nocturia
NCT05403476A Trial to Compare Efficacy and Safety of Follitropin Delta Versus Placebo (Inactive Treatment) in the Treatment of Men With Idiopathic Infertility (Unexplained Reduction of Semen Quality) (ADAM)
NCT02545127Merotocin in Mothers With Inadequate Milk Production and Infants Delivered Prematurely
NCT00738673Degarelix as Second-Line Hormonal Treatment After Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA)-Failure in GnRH Agonist Treated Patients With Prostate Cancer
NCT01331720Assessment of the Effectiveness and Tolerability of Ovarian Hyperstimulation
NCT00245466Study Investigating the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Repeated Doses of Degarelix in Prostate Cancer Patients
NCT00947882A Trial of Degarelix in Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) Associated With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
NCT00038766CNI-1493 for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Crohn's Disease
NCT01597674Effect of 5, 10 or 25 mg of YF476 Daily for 14 Days on Stomach Acidity in Healthy Volunteers
NCT00296465A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Three Dosage Strengths of Pulsatile GnRH
NCT06510374Trial of Nadofaragene Firadenovec vs. Observation in Participants With Intermediate Risk Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
NCT00946920A Trial of Degarelix in Patients With Prostate Cancer
NCT03941665Use of Gelronate Gel vs. Aloevera in Preventing/Minimizing Radiation-induced Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients
NCT01723982Barusiban Subcutaneously for Reducing Implantation Failure Due to Uterine Contractions
NCT03806231A Trial of Cervidil for Outpatient Pre-induction of Cervical Ripening
NCT04113382Study Assessing CLENPIQ As Bowel Preparation for Pediatric Colonoscopy
NCT03412682To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of FE 999315 in Japanese Subjects With Mild to Moderate Active Ulcerative Colitis
NCT02905682Trial of Desmopressin Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODT) for Nocturia Due to Nocturnal Polyuria in Japanese Female Subjects
NCT04902131A Study Comparing MENOPUR in a Pen Formulation With a Powder and Solvent Formulation in Healthy Women
NCT03697031Impact of Blastocyst Morphological Development and Blastocoele Re-expansion on Pregnancy Outcome After Using REKOVELLE®
NCT01194531Impact of Parental Support on Pregnancy Outcomes (IPSO) Trial- Day 3 Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) With Day 5 Fresh Transfer
NCT04852120Compound Sodium Picosulfate Granules for Bowel Preparation in Chinese Population
NCT01744366One Month Degarelix/Comparator Treatment for Prostate Cancer in Chinese Population
NCT00215657Extension Study Investigating the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Repeat Doses of FE200486 in Prostate Cancer Patients
NCT01833065Efficacy and Safety Trial of Elobixibat in Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Constipation
NCT00902265Efficacy and Safety of Desmopressin (Nocturin®) 0.1 mg Tablets in Treatment of Nocturia in Participants With Benign Prostate Syndrome (BPS)
NCT01073930Investigation of PicoPrep Versus HalfLytely for Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy - Split Dose PicoPrep
NCT00885430Pico-Salax Colonic Preparation Study: Quantifying Electrolyte and Volume Status Changes
NCT02475057Endothelial Function in Prostate Cancer Patients on Degarelix vs. Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Agonists
NCT00833248Neoadjuvant Study Investigating Degarelix in Patients Suffering From Prostate Cancer
NCT03296527Efficacy and Safety of FE 999049 in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation in Pan-Asian Women
NCT01465373Vaginal Progesterone Versus Progesterone in Oil in Donor Egg Recipient In Vitro Fertilization Cycles Utilizing Vitrified Donor Eggs
NCT01306357Evaluation of Overall Compliance and Duration of Zomacton® Treatment With the Zomajet® Needle-free Device
NCT01779466Daytime Impact Sleep Study
NCT00209326A Proof of Concept Study Assessing the Effect of Four Different Single Bolus Intravenous Doses of FE200440 and Placebo on Stopping Preterm Labor
NCT00969501Three Injections of EUFLEXXA (Sodium Hyaluronate) for Treatment of Chronic Shoulder Pain Associated With Osteoarthritis (OA)
NCT05915104Efficacy and Safety of Budesonide MMX® vs. Budesonide CR for Induction of Remission in Microscopic Colitis
NCT00988091Investigation of 1.2% Sodium Hyaluronate for Treatment of Painful Chronic Osteoarthritis of the Knee
NCT06511791An Exploratory Study to Investigate the Effect of FE 999302 When Given Together With Follitropin Delta at Different Time Intervals During Controlled Ovarian Stimulation.
NCT04182594Cardiovascular Events in GnRH Agonist vs. Antagonist
NCT01517594Tolerability of Pentasa Sachet in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis
NCT00230594Desmopressin Response in the Young
NCT01923194Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Highly Purified Urofollitropin for Ovulation Induction in Chinese Females