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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 32
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NCT02425865Intensive Treatment to Reach the Target With Golimumab in ulcErative coliTis - In-TARGET
NCT05072782Management of Moderate POstoperative Recurrence in Crohn's Disease: a randoMizEd contROLled Trial of Therapeutic Escalation, the POMEROL Trial. (POMEROL)
NCT02549976Evaluation of Digestive Damage and Associated Predictive Factors in Crohn's Disease 5 to 10 Years After Diagnosis
NCT00492791Endoscopic Severity Score of Small Bowel Crohn's Disease With Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
NCT03306446Changing the coUrse of cRohn's Disease With an Early Use of Adalimumab
NCT05903066TRansmural hEaliNg Definition in CroHn's Disease (TRENCH 1)
NCT03498625Crohn's Disease Endoscopic REmission Definition in an Objective Way
NCT01442025Study Investigating Tailored Treatment With Infliximab for Active Crohn's Disease
NCT04990258A 24-month Real Life PErsistence Efficacy and Safety Study in IBD Patients in REMission Switched From Intravenous Infliximab to Subcutaneous Infliximab CT-P13 Remsima®SC
NCT02550158A Study Evaluating the Impact of an Educational Program (EDU-MICI) on Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
NCT02856763Predictive Factors of ANTI-TNF Response in Luminal Crohn's Disease Complicated by Abscess
NCT04496063USTekinumab in Fistulising Perianal Crohn's Disease (USTAP)
NCT02377258IBD Cancer and Serious Infection in Europe
NCT00546546Early Immunosuppressants in Crohn's Disease
NCT05158517VeDOlizumab PERsistence in IBD Patients After Switching From Intravenous to Subcutaneous Administration : a Real-life Multicenter Study (DOPER)
NCT00976690Comparison Azathioprine to Mesalazine for the Prevention of Postoperative Recurrence in the Crohn Disease
NCT04183608A Trial COmparing staNdard of Care Versus Treat to Target With telemonitoRing and Patient Education in Patients With Ulcerative cOlitis Initiating Adalimumab
NCT03487900Is the Endoscopic Remission Evaluation, Using the CREDO 1 Index / Score in CD Patients in Clinical Remission at Baseline, Predictive of Sustained Clinical Remission Using a 2-year Follow up
NCT01180452Endoscopic Detection of Dysplasia in Crohn 's Disease Patient
NCT00542152Study Comparing Cyclosporine With Infliximab in Steroid-refractory Severe Attacks of Ulcerative Colitis
NCT00571337Stop Infliximab in Patients With Crohn's Disease
NCT02425852A Randomized, Multicenter Open Label Study Comparing Early Administration of Azathioprine Plus IFX to Steroids Plus Azathioprine for Acute Severe Colitis
NCT02193802Role of Capsule Endoscopy in the Evaluation of Mucosal Changes During Treatment of Patients With Active Crohn's Disease
NCT01428843Comparison of Ferrisat vs Placebo in Anemia Associated to Inflammatory Bowel Disease During Anti-TNF Therapy
NCT01183403CE-U and MRE to Predict the Efficacy of Anti-TNF Therapy in Crohn's Disease
NCT06089590Ibd CAncer and seRious Infections in France (I-CARE 2)
NCT06742385Evaluation of a Remote Monitoring Application in the Follow-up of Patients With Active Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
NCT02177071A proSpective Randomized Controlled Trial comParing infliximAb-antimetabolites Combination Therapy to Anti-metabolites monotheRapy and Infliximab monothErapy in Crohn's Disease Patients in Sustained Steroid-free Remission on Combination Therapy
NCT05584228Medical Treatment Versus Surgery in Stricturing Small Bowel Crohn's Disease
NCT06250361Identification of Factors ASsociaTed With a Delayed Diagnosis in Crohn's Disease
NCT01183845Evaluation of the Applicability of the CDEIS to Data Obtained by the Colonic Capsule Endoscopy in Crohn Disease
NCT00723047Fibrin Glue for Perianal Fistulas in Crohn's Disease: a Randomized Controlled Trial