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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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NCT04872920Observational Registry on Patients With Endogenous CS to Document Safety and Effectiveness of Ketoconazole.
NCT00721201Glucocorticoid Receptor Antagonism in Subclinical Cushings
NCT00422201Prospective, Open-Label, Multicenter, International Study of Mifepristone for Symptomatic Treatment of Cushing's Syndrome Caused by Ectopic Adrenal Corticotrophin Hormone (ACTH) Secretion
NCT00456924Low Dose Continuous Administration of the Progesterone Receptor Modulator VA2914
NCT04112095Adherence With Continuous-dose Oral Contraceptive: Evaluation of Self-Selection and Use
NCT03559010A Study of Oral Contraception Under Simulated OTC Conditions
NCT03585712Effect of Norgestrel 75 mcg on Cervical Mucus and Ovarian Activity During Perfect Use, After One Delayed Intake and After a Missed Pill
NCT00551616Safety and Efficacy of CDB-2914 in Comparison to Levonorgestrel for Emergency Contraception
NCT01107106Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of ellaOne® (Ulipristal Acetate) for Emergency Contraception in Postmenarcheal Adolescent Girls and Women
NCT01569113Assessment of Effects on Ovarian Activity of a Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill When Preceded by the Intake of ellaOne® or Placebo.
NCT00411684Safety and Efficacy of CDB-2914 for Emergency Contraception
NCT05255900Effects of Metyrapone in Patients With Hypercortisolism
NCT00290251Treatment of Uterine Fibroids With the Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulator CDB-2914
NCT01569737Clinical Follow-up and Outcomes of Pregnancies Exposed to Ella
NCT03208985A Study of Use of Ella®, an Emergency Contraceptive, Under Simulated OTC Conditions
NCT01107093Comparison of CDB-2914 Versus Placebo in the Prevention of Follicular Rupture Post-luteinizing Hormone (LH) Surge
NCT02297945Effects of Metyrapone in Patients With Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome