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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 22
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NCT03309982Intestinal Inflammatory and Metabolic Responses to a High Fat Meal and Plant Polyphenol Blend
NCT04230226Acute Study on Muscle Soreness, Damage, and Performance
NCT06672965A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Dietary Supplement to Alleviate Stress Versus Placebo in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Levels of Stress
NCT01155076Effects of a Vitality Dietary Supplement on Physical and Mental Function in Middle-aged Adults
NCT01725958Effects of a Nutritional Supplement Combination on Body Weight Management
NCT02871596Effect of a Proprietary Dietary Supplement on Fecal Volatile Organic Compounds
NCT00502658Dietary Supplements and Personal Energy Tracking Device to Promote and Maintain Healthy Weight
NCT01598272Effects of a Proprietary Blend of Herbal Extract Supplement on Cellular Detoxification, Inflammation, and Cumulative Cognitive Index as Well as Gene Expression in Middle-Aged Adult Women
NCT02743195Polyphenol/Prebiotic Blend Effects on GI Health and Microbial Composition
NCT02525224Nutritional Supplement Efficacy on Cellular Protection and Skin Health in Generally Healthy Adults
NCT04230824Chronic Study on Body Composition, Training, Performance, and Recovery
NCT06680219Evaluation of the the Efficacy of a Digestive Health Supplement in Healthy Subjects
NCT05941949Nutritional Supplement's Effects on Cognition
NCT06749808A Study to Assess the Impact of a Nutritional Supplement on Wellbeing and Nutrient Absorption
NCT04733755Beauty Image Efficacy Study
NCT02349555Nutritional Supplement Impact on Metabolic Parameters
NCT01875354A Prospective Study Investigating the Effects of a Novel Weight Management Program
NCT03771807Efficacy of a Nutritional Supplement on Skin Health in Generally Healthy Adults
NCT05971771Study to Assess Impact of Dietary Supplement on Sleep Health
NCT04637945Inflammatory and Metabolic Responses to Long-term Dietary Supplementation With Anthocyanin-rich Blend
NCT02439983Brain Imaging Study
NCT05041205Functional Test for a Drink Powder Alone and Combined Use With a Cosmetic Apparatus