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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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NCT00405574Study of ATN-224 in Patients With Prostate Cancer
NCT02445976Once-daily Oral Seviteronel in Patients With Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Progressing on Enzalutamide or Abiraterone.
NCT03151629International Registry for Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer (IRONMAN)
NCT02555189Enzalutamide With Ribociclib in Treating Patients With Metastatic Castrate-Resistant, Chemotherapy Naive Prostate Cancer That Retains Retinoblastoma Expression
NCT02685267Docetaxel/Prednisone Versus Docetaxel/Prednisone and Enzalutamide in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
NCT01085422A Study Combining ABT-888, Oral PARP Inhibitor, With Temozolomide in Patients With Metastatic Prostate Cancer
NCT01317199Effects of Two Doses of MPX Capsules on Rising Prostate-specific Antigen Levels in Men Following Initial Therapy for Prostate Cancer
NCT05682443ONC-392 Plus Lutetium Lu 177 Vipivotide Tetraxetan in Patients With mCRPC
NCT03076203Phase IB Trial of Radium-223 and Niraparib in Patients With Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (NiraRad)
NCT04136353Darolutamide Augments Standard Therapy for Localised Very High-Risk Cancer of the Prostate
NCT04995198PROMISE Registry: A Prostate Cancer Registry of Outcomes and Germline Mutations for Improved Survival and Treatment Effectiveness