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Search Clinical Trials

The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 12
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NCT01094873Study of a Novel Therapeutic Vaccine for Hepatitis C Virus
NCT06617091A Phase 1 Trial of a Gorilla Adenovirus Vectored Networked Epitopes Vaccine, Administered to Healthy Adults Living Without and with HIV
NCT01563692Immune Response to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Health Care Workers
NCT04528641Phase I Study to Assess the Safety and Immunology of a COVID-19 Vaccine With GRAd-COV2 Vaccine
NCT02362217A Study to Assess the Safety of HIV and Hep C Vaccine Candidates When Given Separately or in Combination
NCT01701336Study of a Novel Therapeutic Vaccine Against Hepatitis C Using Ad6NSmut and MVA-NSmut in Chronically Infected Patients
NCT01805921RSV001 - A New Vaccine to Prevent Severe Viral Chest Infections.
NCT04791423Study of GRAd-COV2 for the Prevention of COVID-19 in Adults
NCT02568332A Study to Assess the Safety of Hep C Vaccine Candidates in HIV Seropositive Individuals
NCT01296451Study of a New MVA Vaccine for Hepatitis C Virus
NCT01070407A Study of a New Candidate Vaccine Against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
NCT03688061Class II Invariant Chain HCV Vaccine Study