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Search Clinical Trials

The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 5
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NCT04669665A Study of SLS-002 (Intranasal Racemic Ketamine) in Adults With Major Depressive Disorder at Imminent Risk of Suicide
NCT05490563STRIDES - a Clinical Research Study of an Investigational New Drug to Treat Spinocerebellar Ataxia
NCT05597436Intermediate-Sized Expanded Access Study
NCT05136885HEALEY ALS Platform Trial - Regimen E SLS-005 - Trehalose
NCT05332678SLS-005 (Trehalose Injection) in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease