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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 16
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NCT06569420Study Of Comparing SAF-189s With Crizotinib In First Line ALK-Positive Advanced and Metastatic NSCLC
NCT05675748Real-world Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Azvudine in Nursing Home Patients
NCT04743739Rituximab Combined With Cyclosporine Versus Rituximab Alone in the Treatment of iMN
NCT05755048FS-1502 Versus T-DM1 for HER2-Positive Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer
NCT04954001Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, PK Characteristics and Anti-tumor Activity of FCN-159 in Adult and Pediatric Participants With Neurofibromatosis Type 1
NCT05682599Evaluate Azvudine in Preventing SARS-Cov-2 Infection in Household Contacts of Covid-19 in China
NCT03944499Phase 1 Study of FS-1502 in Patients With HER2 Expressed Advanced Solid Tumors and Breast Cancer.
NCT05913037FCN-159 in Adult Patients With Symptomatic, Inoperable Neurofibromatosis Type 1-Related Plexiform Neurofibromas
NCT05997602To Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and PK Characteristics of FCN-159 in Pediatric Patients With Refractory/Recurrent LCH
NCT04649021Safety and Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162b2) in Chinese Healthy Population
NCT04523571Safety and Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162b1) in Chinese Healthy Subjects
NCT05140278Study to Compare Feasibility of 1-step Injectable Artesunate vs. Conventional 2-step Injectable Artesunate
NCT04237805A Phase I/II Clinical Study of SAF-189s in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients
NCT03690154A Phase 1 Study to Evaluate FN-1501 Monotherapy in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors and R/R AML
NCT03932253MEK Inhibitor FCN-159 To Treat Advanced Melanoma With NRAS-aberrant (Ia) and NRAS-mutant (Ib)or NF1-mutant(1b)
NCT05633433Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Azvudine in Preventing SARS-Cov-2 Infection in Household Contacts of Covid-19