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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 26
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NCT06124482Performance and Safety Evaluation of the FHK®-CK Knee Prosthesis
NCT05489120Low-Protein Diet with Low-Protein Foods Versus a LPD Without LP Foods in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
NCT06342765Safety and Performance of the SpineVision Posterior Fixation Systems in Thoracolumbar Spinal Treatment
NCT04333901Compliance of Long-term Home Non-invasive Ventilation for Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
NCT04034901Study of Physiological Signals During and After COPD Exacerbations
NCT04592094Evaluation of Performances and Safety of the Medical Device Blueback® Physio for Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
NCT06481280Evaluation of Tolerance, Efficacy and Safety of an Hydrolyzed Formula in Infants With IgE/Non-IgE Mediated CMA.
NCT04157829Evaluation of the Performance and Safety of a Medical Device Developed to Improve the Reading of Dyslexic Patients
NCT05368922Upper Limb Rehabilitation Using Virtual Reality in Children With Cerebral Palsy (RV-REEDUC)
NCT04885686Endodontic Post-operative Pain Evaluation of Patients After Using Endomethasone N or Endomethasone SP (EndoPOP)
NCT05473780Oxygen Therapy Remote Monitoring in COPD Patients.
NCT05174858Efficacy of a Collagen Hemostatic Dressing After Tooth Extraction
NCT04311268Follow Fever to Decide
NCT06340269Feasibility Pilot Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of the MEX-CD1 Medical Device in ACLF
NCT04935736Postoperative Pain After Root Canal Obturation With Sealer Containing Prednisolone.
NCT03592108Benefit of Cheyne-Stokes Respiration Remote Monitoring in CPAP-treated Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Detect Early Events of Heart Failure.
NCT05960175Impact of Patient Involvement in Alerts Management of Telemonitoring CPAP
NCT03874949Pain After Root Canal Obturation With Sealer Containing or Not 1% Enoxolone
NCT04586621Evaluation of the Performance and Safety of the Atoldys/ Lexilens Glasses Developed to Improve the Reading of Dyslexic Subjects
NCT03510403Efficacy, Safety and Acceptability of Nastent™ in Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
NCT06104332PMCF to Assess Real-life Usage Effectiveness, Safety and Patient Satisfaction of a Range of Hypertonic Seawater-based Decongestant Nasal Sprays
NCT04861285Gingival Displacement With RACESTYPTINE Solution and RACEGEL: a Prospective, Comparative Randomized Clinical Trial.
NCT03685656Effect of ANACA3 Slimming Gel on Loss of Abdominal and Thigh Circumferences in Healthy Volunteers
NCT03640897Evaluation of the Safety and Performance of LiNiDERM® in the Prevention of Infant Diaper Rash
NCT05752045OphtAI Diagnostic Performance Validation for Automated Screening of Eye Diseases
NCT04757753Root Canal Obturation With a Ready-to-use Root Canal Sealer (PA1704) Versus BioRoot™ RCS: a Randomized Controlled Trial