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The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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NCT02809989A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Ovaleap® on the Pregnancy Rate and Clinical Effects as Well as the User-friendliness of the Ovaleap®-Pen.
NCT01107548Prevention of Stroke and Dementia in Primary Care
NCT01733082The Mycophenolate Pregnancy Registry
NCT02125344A Phase III Trial Comparing Two Dose-dense, Dose-intensified Approaches (ETC and PM(Cb)) for Neoadjuvant Treatment of Patients With High-risk Early Breast Cancer (GeparOcto)
NCT01555944Prospective Observational Study in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Treated With Anthracyclines
NCT01426880Addition of Carboplatin to Neoadjuvant Therapy for Triple-negative and HER2-positive Early Breast Cancer
NCT03567291Evaluation of Safety and Tolerability of Long-term TEV-50717 (Deutetrabenazine) for Treatment of Tourette Syndrome in Children and Adolescents
NCT019354928 Continuous vs 8 Intermittent Cycles in First and Second Line in HER2/Neu Neg Metastatic Breast Cancer
NCT02384512Azilect® In Wearing-Off (AIWO)
NCT00114712The Ribavirin Pregnancy Registry
NCT03209479Copaxone Subcutaneous Injection Syringe Special Drug Use-Result Investigation (All-Case Investigation) "Prevention of Relapse of Multiple Sclerosis"
NCT02713100Self Reported Level of Agitation of Patients Presenting to an Emergency Department
NCT02805842Incidence of Non Adherence to Treatment With Once-daily Formulation of Tacrolimus
NCT01447732Phase 1 Study of CEP-37250/KHK2804 in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors
NCT06365788Bicalutamide and Abemaciclib in Inoperable or Metastatic Androgen Receptor-positive Triple-negative Breast Cancer
NCT01741285Effects of QVAR in Smokers With Asthma
NCT03452943Alternatives for Reducing Tics in Tourette Syndrome (TS): A Study of TEV-50717 (Deutetrabenazine) for the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome in Children and Adolescents
NCT02311764Carboplatin in Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer
NCT03571256A Study to Test if TEV-50717 is Effective in Relieving Tics Associated With Tourette Syndrome (TS)
NCT02384577Study to Evaluate Satisfaction and Usability of DuoResp® SPIROMAX® in Asthma and COPD Treatment