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Search Clinical Trials

The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides a database of clinical trials worldwide. Use the fields below to search the database. Expand your results and select terms or phrases and right-click to search using Google, MalaCards, MedlinePlus, PubMed, or Wikipedia.

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Clinical Trials Search Results

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Count: 9
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NCT02160574Safety Study to Evaluate the Cumulative Irritation Potential of Topically Applied ZuraPrep™ and ZuraPrep™ Without IPA
NCT04756804Perioperative Patient Skin Antiseptic Preparation Evaluation
NCT02831816Clinical Evaluation of Patient Preoperative Prep
NCT03782103In-vivo Efficacy of Patient Preoperative Prep, ZuraPrep (ZP)
NCT02221232Efficacy Study to Evaluate Antimicrobial Effectiveness of ZuraPrep™
NCT02160587Safety Study to Evaluate the Contact Sensitizing Potential of Topically Applied ZuraPrep™ and ZuraPrep™ Without IPA
NCT02578771Pilot Clinical Evaluation to Characterize in Vivo Effects of Topically Applied ZuraPrep & ZuraPrep Vehicle
NCT02296645Efficacy Study to Evaluate Antimicrobial Effectiveness of ZuraPrep™ (ZX-ZP-0055)
NCT02831998In-vivo Efficacy of Patient Preoperative Prep